miercuri, 26 septembrie 2012


Tot ce-mi amintesc eu e sunetul paşilor tăi ce ieşind din sufletul meu,
Oprindu-se o clipă între portretul tău de ceară şi al meu vechi şemineu,
Au ridicat spre cer praful de pe pardoseala camerei ce odată am numit-o a noastră.
Ne-au căzut în noaptea aceea speranţele într-o ploaie de foc cu flacără roş-albastră.

Ne-am ridicat păcatele unul altuia şi le-am aruncat ca orbii drept vină,
Pentru că la nici unul, „noi” nu s-a transpus concret pe retină.
Sub ploi am stat amândoi nopţi de-a rândul, cu rândul;
Am reuşit să curăţăm tot... tot, mai puţin gândul.

Ne-am dat foc la mâini şi ne-am mângâiat reciproc buzele,
Sătui de goliciunea vorbelor noastre, ne-am înghiţit scuzele
Şi-am dat pe gât, un pahar de vin eu; tu ai vrut gin.
Eu speram să te uit, tu sperai ca eu să devin un străin.

Stelele noastre căzătoare n-au căzut prea departe una de alta.
Oricât de mult ne-am zbătut noi, ne-a bătut soarta,
La jocul de şah unde eu nebun şi tu regină, de-aceeaşi culoare.
Ne-am sabotat reciproc: eu am rămas fără scop, tu fără floare.

Lanţurile din jurul încheieturilor ne-au ros tot ce-aveam, mai puţin pielea,
Resemnaţi ne-a găsit apusul căutându-ne visele în fum de narghilea,
Unul în spatele altuia simţeam cum alunecam spre orizonturi străine.
Ai dispărut tăcută ca cenuşa ultimei scântei dar privirea ţi-a rămas la mine.

marți, 25 septembrie 2012


Because I couldn't sleep last night thinking of you...
And all the things that failed becoming true
Because the world shattered in tiny pieces of us
For failing but again to earn your trust...

Over things in this world,
the good and the bad,
you stumble upon
And every time you do it,
again you'll be born
Every step you take no matter how small,
no matter how little you are
In you light that shall pour out from you,
you'll be nothing less then a star

Stumble upon dreams
and the wonders they bring
Take a walk if you please
but that garden of roses does sting!
Make a trade in the world of your sleep,
exchange hopes for young foolish dreams
And just like that, your tiny little hands
will hear the joy of the world and the screams...

Stumble upon life...yours, mine
or just life itself
Smile to it!
give it a big kiss on both of it's eyes
Enjoy how from nothing it's born,
mourn as it dies
Let it fall into you,
fill you up 'till your last speck of hair
But be bold, brave and cunning,
the life it's not fair!

Stumble upon time
as if flows from your vein
Into a one-way sand glass,
be aware, just like time, the sand only drains
So take care of it!
keep time closed in your eyes
Be you the one
that decides how it flies.

Stumble upon waves,
tornadoes and tides
Become one with them,
feel the sky as it cries
Tears, both warm and cold
shall pour over you
Oceans shall drawn in your being,
believe it child, they'll do!

Stumble opon wind
and when you do, don't blink
Go with it,
just feel, do not think!
Let it take you to the end of our lands,
the old and the new
Watch from up there the spark of the humans,
the world as it grew.

Stumble upon me,the poet,
the lover, the King of the Fools
Take my hands
that I've seen only as tools
Into yours and let me feel
even if it's only a little while
The warmth and the love
of your hands, of your smile.
I ask of you:
put your arms around me!
Lend me your sight,
let me see what you see,
So I can bring myself
even closer to you,
Because closer to you
it's all I dream to do...

Stumble upon you, child of sunset
and as you rise, in the light of the moon
Don't write me off just yet
it's but too soon!
Come towards me and the world
and in your kindness,embrace us both
You be the burning fire,
we'll be the moth.
And if it's ment to be
let us but perish into your light
Don't know about the world but
the last thing i want to see
it's just your sight.

Stumble upon you,over and over again
'till the end of your days
So I can hope to stumble upon you
Be it a whisper, a touch or a gaze.

duminică, 23 septembrie 2012


Hi there! stranger,
let's play a game.
I fall for you,
and you for me.
It's all the same,
it's but a shame
For winner shall
not even see
A glimpse of wealth,
his precious prize:
His gem of truth
with roots in lies,
Supposed to be
beyond imagination.
This winner shall
taste bitter from starvation;
For dreams and hopes
made out from dust,
Desires: shards
leaked out from lust.
It's all but ruins,
the Promised Land.
His pride, his castle
turned to sand .
A wanderer became again,
searching one more time
The secret of a happy life
the secret worth a dime.